Your Dream of Building a Family Will Come True
With the increasing numbers of late marriage and late start of the family, more and more women have found that they are unable to bear children because they reach premature menopause or they can only produce old or damaged eggs. Those as well as women with missing ovaries or a hereditary disease may receive donor eggs – so long as they are healthy to carry a pregnancy and willing to take on the responsiblity of parenthood. Over the past ten years the donor egg program has become more and more popular with rapid advances in assisted reproductive technologies. Traditionally the donated eggs are from anonymous donors although patient’s friends or relatives are occasionally brought in to donate eggs. The Egg Sharing Program was first established around 1988 with the intent of making the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure more affordable.
Donation of oocytes is an option for those IVF participants in need of some financial assistance. By donating half of the recovered eggs during an IVF cycle, the donor has the opportunity to assist another infertile couple to achieve a pregnancy, as well as receive some financial assistance to cover the expense of IVF. The donor, in exchange for the sharing of her eggs, has the egg retrieval, the embryo transfer, and the majority of necessary medications paid for by the recipient of the eggs. In general, only patients whose infertility problems are related to tubal or male factor, but not ovarian factor are appropriate candidates. Those IVF patients wishing to donate eggs are selected anonymously by patients who need donor eggs (recipients). No guarantee can be made that all women wishing to be donors will be selected by the recipients.

The Most Affordable IVF
The IVF cycle includes the ultrasound guided transvaginal retrieval, incubation, fertilization, and development of embryo(s), and transfer of embroy(s). Both donor and recipient are responsible for their own preliminary IVF testing and bloodwork/ultrasound for the cycle. If necessary, each party will be responsible for the cost of sperm washing, sperm donation, sperm freezing, cryopreservation of excess embryos and embryo storage costs. As a result, the recipient will pay only a portion, but not all of the IVF charges for the donor. In addition, there will be no egg donor fee of $4,500 to $5,000 incurred as in the traditional paid donor program. The total number of oocytes will be equally divided between the donor and the recipient at the time of retrieval. If an odd number of oocytes is obtained, the recipient will receive the extra egg. For instance, if seventeen oocytes are obtained, the donor will keep eight and the recipient will retain nine oocytes. In a rare case, donor may produce fewer eggs than expected, such as less than five. Although she has the option to keep all the eggs for herself the recipient must be reimbursed for all the costs relating to the donor cycle including the retrieval, incubation and fertilization, transfer, any medication provided by the recipient, plus the recipient’s medication cost for the cycle. In the event a donor refuses to donate her oocytes in accordance with the agreement, the donor will also be responsible for all costs relating to the donor cycle as stated above.
In our program, we only select those donors who are otherwise healthy, bright, and are willing to share some of their eggs anonymously with other infertile couples while going through IVF on their own. All have been carefully screened for genetic and communicable diseases, and deemed psychologically healthy. All the donors are required to undergo certain testings to evaluate their ovarian reserve – the ability to produce eggs in response to fertility drugs – prior to being a candidate to be selected by the recipients. This also allows us to select the most cost effective stimulation protocol for the donor.
For the eligible egg donors, the Egg Sharing Program provides an affordable way to go through IVF while helping others in a confidential way. For the recipients, the egg donation process allows a child to be biologically related to the intended father and gestated by the intended mother. This gives the couple the right to pursue one of the most basic of human desires and instincts – to bear children. By going through the Egg Sharing Program, the costs for the recipients are reduced significantly.
In order for you to proceed with the treatment you have to be matched or selected with a recipient prior to starting treatment.
Egg Donor Application Form
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